Historic Preservation Commission
The Historic Preservation Commission decides matters relating to proper restoration, preservation, rehabilitation and conservation of historically, architecturally and archaeologically significant areas, structures, buildings, sites, objects and surroundings within the Town’s historic district.
The Historic Preservation Commission consists of seven members – 5 regular members and 2 alternates.
Meeting Schedule: 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM
Members currently serving on the Board
Jonathan McDaniel (Chair) | jmcdaniel@tidewaterenc.com |
Kim Kingrey (Vice-Chair) | kingreyrealestate@gmail.com |
Christina Ramsey | cr93847@aol.com |
Elaine Justice | justicee407@gmail.com |
Lauren Brown | lauren.brake.brown@gmail.com |
Jerry Seddon (ALT) | jseddon1827@gmail.com |
Vacant (ALT) |