Stormwater Utility Letter 2024-2025 (Learn More)          Clean Sweep Week April 7th- April 11th (Learn More)              

Stormwater Enterprise Fund


The mission of the Stormwater Enterprise Fund is to promote stormwater compliance, drainage problem identification and prioritization and proactive maintenance of town owned and operated drainage facilities.

Stormwater Operations:

  • Assist in the management of the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff to enhance the environment and water quality in the White Oak River Basin.
  • Oversee and manage the use of stormwater funds to achieve maximum benefits and efficiency.
  • Assist with administration of the stormwater fee allocation to improve overall stormwater/drainage management for the Town of Swansboro.
  • Provide public information and educate the public about stormwater management.
  • Prevent and eliminate illegal discharge and obstructions to the drainage system.
  • Conduct studies within the watershed and locate sites for installing best management practices in existing developed areas.

Stormwater Fees:

  • Residential Tier
    $5.00 flat fee/month/residence
  • Commercial Tier
    Minimum Fee $5.00/month or .01/Square Foot whichever is greater.
    Example 10,000 SF of impervious surface = $8.33/month

Note: A credit for one month shall be applied if payments are made in advanced of semi-annual installments (i.e. lump sum for total annual fee during the first billing in July) for both commercial and residential parcels. Residential and Commercial parcels that  implement methods to reduce impacts of runoff shall be eligible for an additional one month’s credit (See Credit Manual for Stormwater Fees for detail). An application must be filed with the Town Manager consistent with credit manual adopted by the Board of Commissioners.

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