Stormwater Utility Letter 2024-2025 (Learn More)          Clean Sweep Week April 7th- April 11th (Learn More)           Call for Applications: Commissioner (Learn More)              



The Town Planner works with the Town Manager, Planning Board and other advisory boards to conduct studies, produce plans, identify program needs and develops policies that promote the physical, economic, and social development of the community.

Planning works to advance the orderly growth of the community through professional land use planning, environmental planning, small area planning, and corridor planning. These efforts have resulted in the development of the Town's Land Use Plan, Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and the Swansboro Transportation Plan.

Planning also ensures that changes to the community's physical environment comply with applicable reviews, development proposals, policies, codes, and ordinances to ensure consistency with Town policy and land development code requirements.

The development proposals reviewed by the Town Planner include requests for zoning map amendments, zoning special use permits, site plans, variances, certificates of appropriateness, and subdivision plans

Code enforcement

The Building Inspector ensures the sound construction of new buildings and the safe maintenance of existing buildings and that construction and development practices are in accordance with the North Carolina State Building Code and local codes.

The Building Inspector reviews building construction plans, issues permits, and performs building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and fire inspections for homes and business construction. The Town Planner and Building Inspector ensure that properties comply with town codes that establish standards for building usage, junk motor vehicles, public nuisances, sign regulations, and flood regulations.

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