Stormwater Utility Letter 2024-2025 (Learn More)                                                    RFQ - Swansboro Sidewalk Design Project (Learn More)              

Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email:

Frequently asked questions

Golf cart registration is handled by the Police Department.

The application along with requirements and regulations can be found here.

Containers shall not be placed at the curb any earlier than 5 pm the night before the scheduled collection day and shall be removed from the curb no later than 6 am the day following collection.

Containers are to be located closer to your home during all other times.

Onslow United Transit Systems, Inc is available for transportation for Onslow County residents. Please use the following contact information for further details and assistance.

Phone: (910) 346-2998




Not all streets are maintained by the Town.

If the issue is on a street without painted lines, please call Town Hall at (910)326-4428. Further information on who is responsible for maintenance will be provided.

Depending on where the light is located determines which electric company to contact.

If it is near your home, then it would most likely be the same electric company you have.

There are two companies in the Swansboro area – Duke Energy and Jones Onslow EMC.

To contact Duke Energy:
Call: 1-800-452-2777

To contact Jones Onslow EMC:
Call: (910)353-1940

The Swansboro Fire Department does not install car seats. Please contact the Jacksonville Police Department at 910-455-1472 or the Jacksonville Fire Department at 910-455-8080 to set up an appointment with their certified car seat installation technicians. This is a free service to the public.

The Town of Swansboro has ordinances which allow certain types of burning within the town limits and the White Oak Fire District. Please call the fire station at 910-326-5908 if you have any questions about what you may legally burn.

A home fire extinguisher can be a lifesaver. Placed near an exit, in an easy-to-grab spot, it can put out a small fire before the firefighters arrive, or at least suppress the flames while you escape.
All household extinguishers are classified A, B, or C (or a combination of these) on the label to indicate which types of fires ordinary combustibles, flammable liquids, or electrical you can use them on. Many of the ones sold at home stores are classified A:B:C and fight all three types of fires.
explore the guide to knowing the different types and sizes of fire extinguishers as well as how to use them and recharge them.

Fire safety is something we all should make a priority. The Swansboro Fire Department can assist you with fire safety questions or concerns. You can call the station at 910-326-5908 for immediate needs or you can learn about fire safety in the following links.


To request an inspection please call Town Hall at (910) 326-4428.

Inspection requests are typically scheduled on the next business day.

Any inspections that fail or are not ready when the inspector arrives at the job site will require a reinspection fee per failed trade. The reinspection fee of $60/trade must be paid prior to the re-inspection being scheduled.

You can pay reinspection fees online. Once paid you can call Town Hall at (910) 326-4428 to schedule a reinspection.

The SwanFest concert series is held each Sunday evening downtown from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm and runs from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend.

For more information visit the Seaside Arts Council Website.

Projects in the Historic District

Please contact Town Hall before you begin any new exterior project as failure to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) can result in a zoning violation or double fees. Regulations apply within the Historic District whether your home is considered Contributing or Non-contributing. Additionally, any structural work, trade work (electrical, mechanical, plumbing), or work exceeding $15,000.00 requires a permit issued by the Town.

The Town’s Unified Development Ordinance and Historic Design Guidelines can be viewed here.

The following is not an exhaustive list, but is intended to provided examples of when review is required:

Staff Approval Required

• New gutters/downspouts
• New fences/walls
• Installation of new mechanical equipment
• Painting when there is a change in color consistent with the approved Color Palette
• Installation of signs
• Installation of storm windows

Minor Work Reviews

• New Accessory structures up to 144 sq. ft.
• Addition of awnings, canopies or shutters
• Installation of storm doors
• Significant pruning of trees over 8” in diameter
• Construction of exterior stairs, steps and handrails

Major Work COA

• New Construction or Additions to structures
• Demolition of any structure
• Alteration or Addition of doors or windows
• Removal of trees over 8” in diameter
• Painting when there is a change in color inconsistent with the approved Color Palette

The National Register of Historic Places contains a list of properties in the Swansboro Historic District and identifies them as either Contributing or Non-Contributing. The list is available by contacting Town Hall or you can locate your property on the Downtown Swansboro Historic Places Map.

The Swansboro Police Department does provide Ink Fingerprinting services by appointment only.

Call: (910) 326-5151



There is a $10.00 fee for fingerprinting services per card. You can pay by cash, check or charge at Town Hall or online and it is recommended to schedule your appointment before making payment.

601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC 28584
Hours: M-Th 8 am to 5 pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm

Online payments have a 2.5% convenience fee of the transaction amount.

Reports generally take 3 to 5 business days to go through the approval process. Once the report is approved and the fee is paid, reports can be printed or emailed depending on the circumstances.

To obtain a copy of a police report

Call: (910) 326-5151



There is a $5.00 fee for copies of police reports. You can pay by cash, check or charge at Town Hall or online.


601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC 28584
Hours: M-Th 8 am to 5 pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm


Online payments have a 2.5% convenience fee of the transaction amount.

You can view board agendas and minutes in our meetings portal.

The Town of Swansboro has responsibility, within its planning jurisdiction, for enforcing the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. This code requires that all building occupancies (except one and two-family dwellings) be inspected on a periodic basis.

A fire inspection for:

  • Retail/Office/Others – Every 3 years
  • Daycare/Nursing Care/Group Homes – Every year

A fire inspection for:

  • Hotel/Assemblies/Education – Every 3 years

A fire suppression inspection for:

  • High-volume cooking operations such as 24-hour cooking, charbroiling, or wok cooking – Every 3 months
  • Low-volume cooking operations such as places of religious worship, season businesses, and senior centers – Yearly
  • Cooking operations utilizing solid-fuel burning cooking appliances – Every month
  • All other cooking operations – Every 6 months



Any business that sells Beer or Wine within the Town of Swansboro City limits must obtain a Beer/Wine License. All beer and wine business licenses must be posted within view in a public access area. It is the responsibility of the business owner to comply with these requirements. Failure to purchase and/or renew a Beer/ Wine Business License may result in penalties and fees assessed to the business owner. All licenses are issued for the period from May 1 to April 30.  A license may not be transferred from one person to another or from one location to another.

The annual tax for each license is:
BEER—On Premises        $15.00   WINE—On Premises       $15.00

BEER—Off Premises        $  5.00   WINE—Off Premises       $10.00

Beer Wine Privilege License Application


You can pay your stormwater bill in person at:

Swansboro Town Hall
601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC, 28584

You can also pay your stormwater bill online.

Based on address and age, your child could attend one of the following area schools.

Swansboro Elementary School (K-5th)
Queens Creek Elementary School (K-5th)
Sandridge Elementary School (K-5th)
Swansboro Middle School (6th – 8th)
Swansboro High School (9th-12th)


Please read the job announcement carefully, making sure you understand the requirements of the position.
Make sure all the requested information is filled in completely and accurately. Just putting “see resume” is not acceptable.
List job duties or skills that you have, which are relevant to the position.
Don’t forget to proofread your application.
You may also include your resume and cover letter as supplements, but not as replacements to the Town application.
Make sure to sign and date your application.
Return your application at the posted closing dates and times.

The Town of Swansboro is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and will not discriminate because of age, sex, race, color, religion, disability, national origin, political affiliation, or marital status.

If you wish to apply for employment with the Town of Swansboro please fill out an application and hand deliver, mail, or email it to:

Town of Swansboro
Attention: Sonia Johnson – Finance Director/HR
601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC 28584

Applications are only active for 90 days but are kept on file for two years.
The Town of Swansboro offers its full-time employees Group Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Retirement Plan, and 401K or 457 Plan.

Employment application

Supplement to employment application

Each Spring we conduct a Clean Sweep Program throughout the Town. Items like appliances and furniture are accepted during this clean up campaign. Watch for details in the Town newsletter or flyers.

There is an Onslow County convenience center located on Swansboro Loop Road, about four miles from Main Street Extension. Their telephone number is (910)326-7376. The hours for the convenience center are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Times are subject to change at any time, it is recommended to call and verify before taking items to this location.

The Public Works department offers weekly curbside yard waste removal each Wednesday to Swansboro residents in city limits. Tree limbs up to 6 inches in diameter and 8 feet in length can be placed curbside for collection and they do not have to be bundled and tied. All loose refuse (for example, leaves, grass clippings, and the like) are still required to be placed in outdoor leaf and lawn style paper bags. If you need assistance due to a disability, please contact the Public Works office at (910)326-4428. Please note, holiday’s may sometimes affect this schedule.

To report a drainage or storm water related problem, please contact the Public Works office at (910)326-4428.

The Town uses a detailed comprehensive street assessment completed with the assistance of an engineering firm. Each street within the Town was thoroughly assessed and given a pavement condition rating (PCR). Each year, the Town staff recommends to the Board of Commissioners which street or streets should be resurfaced, based in large part on the PCR score of the street(s) and other factors. The decision is then made by the Board.

If you would like to report a pothole, you may contact the Public Works Department, (910) 326-4428. We try to provide a follow-up response within 24 hours. If a pothole, sinkhole, or another roadway condition appears to be a serious safety issue, please contact the Swansboro Police Department at (910)326-5151.

You can pay in person at:

Onslow County Tax Office
234 NW Corridor Boulevard
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Phone: 910-989-2200

Or online at

Recycling is picked up every other Thursday. View and download the calendar.

Garbage is picked up every Thursday unless affected by certain holidays which will be announced.

Per Town Code Chapter § 50.26 – containers shall not be placed at the curb any earlier than 5 pm the night before the scheduled collection day and shall be removed from the curb no later than 6 am the day following collection.

This is an example of a FAQ on a department page.

Please call Town Hall at (910) 326-4428.

Please contact the Onslow County Board of Elections

246 Georgetown Road
JacksonvilleNC 28540
Phone: 910-455-4484
Fax: 910-455-1390
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

To view and download permit applications click here.

To reserve a Swansboro park facility click here.

You can reach the Swansboro Police Department at (910) 326-5151 for non-emergencies.

To obtain a copy of a police report

Call: (910) 326-5151



There is a $5.00 fee for copies of police reports. You can pay by cash, check or charge at Town Hall or online.

In person:

601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC 28584
Hours: M-Th 8 am to 5pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm


Online payments have a 2.5% convenience fee of the transaction amount.


Onslow County School District
200 Broadhurst Road
Jacksonville, NC 28540
Phone: (910) 455-2211



For a business new to Swansboro or an existing business moving locations, a new business packet must be completed and approved before any work can begin on the property or business activity.

New Business Packet

You can pay your water bill in person at:

Swansboro Town Hall
601 W. Corbett Avenue
Swansboro, NC, 28584

By phone at 1-877-302-2787

Online at

Use the link below to access the Town of Swansboro Code of Ordinances.

Town Code/Unified Development Ordinance

Applications are accepted until positions are filled or as the closing date provides.
Click on the job title to view the full job description.

Police Sergeant – Full Time

Recreation Aide – Part Time




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