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Mayor John Davis



(910) 376-0883


P.O. Box 338
Swansboro, NC 28584



Elected officials

John Davis

My wife Jennifer and I have been married for 25 years and have two sons and a daughter Joshua, Joseph, and Jayden. Joshua, our oldest, is in law school at Louisiana State University. Joseph is a junior and soccer player at Life University in Marietta, GA, and our youngest, Jayden, is a sophomore at Horry Georgetown Tech in Conway, SC. Jennifer received a bachelor’s degree from NC State University, a master’s degree from East Carolina University, and teaches at Swansboro High School. I received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from NC State University and worked in corporate America as an electrical engineer and program manager for 11 years before making the move to self-employment in 2004 in the town we now call home.

Shortly after moving to Swansboro, our family became involved in soccer, and I was elected president of the Swansboro Soccer Association in 2007. I proudly served our community in that capacity for nine years. I have also served on the ATP Action Team for Swansboro Middle School, which revitalized parent-teacher engagement and established relationships with the business community, and on the Town of Swansboro Parks and Recreation Board where we were able to support the efforts for the playground improvements of two of our parks. I am currently serving as the Swansboro representative on the Onslow County Board of Adjustments, a judicial body that rules on proper use of land under Onslow County zoning ordinances.

Giving back to this community through both my time and financial support of local students and causes has always been important to me. Every citizen of this town has a voice that deserves to be heard, and as Mayor, I will model strong, positive leadership and provide a platform on which all people can be heard.

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