PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF SWANSBORO The Town of Swansboro Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing during their meeting on Monday, December 12th, 2022, at 5:30 pm for a zoning map amendment to rezone the following parcels along Water Street from Drudy Lane to Casper’s Marina from B-2HDO to R-6SF. Par ID 023672 … Continued
Thanksgiving Holiday Office Closures and Garbage Collection Schedule News Release – November 15, 2022 Closures In observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday, the following closures will be observed. The Swansboro Town Hall Offices, Visitor’s Center (not restrooms), and the Recreation Center will close at 1 pm on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, and remain closed November 24 … Continued
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TOWN OF SWANSBORO The Town of Swansboro Historic Preservation Commission will hold a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 15, 2022, to review the Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted by Larry M. Spears for a new roof at 206 Walnut Street; The meeting will be held at 5:30 pm at … Continued